Monday, April 27, 2009

A Little More on the SAHM subject...

I realized I had a little more to add. Please do not get me wrong....staying at home with your kids is great and wonderful and of course being able to witness all of the "firsts" and just being there as they grow up. But depsite what others tell you it can hard as hell. I would give my left arm to go back to work somedays! lol! Just to get away from the house. It's the noise-and yes-the boys. When Logan is screaming, going through the no stage and rebellion stage even before he is 2.Sometimes I wonder "why again did I quit the job I really love?" an "Going to work would be a nice break!" Then at the end of the day when most people are stressing over traffic, deadlines, lesson plans, beating it to daycare to pick up a child at 6:30p.m. who has been sitting there since 7:00 a.m.: you get to put your kids in a bath, have their dinner ( a home cooked one at that) and tuck them into bed it all seems worth it. Snuggling up and reading abook with my little guy and KNOWING that he is safe-that is the perfect job.  The bigger house, the nice car, trips can all wait.  Right now I have a baby to kiss.


Brook said...

Yeah-100%. I'm right there with ya chickie-and you know what I'd say ;)

Amy said...

yep. Sure do.:)

Nej said...

If I had kids...I'm pretty sure I'd want to be home all day. Granted, I'm sure I'd have those days when I'd want to run screaming from the house....but I have those days I want to run screaming from what's the difference there? I'll tell ya. I'd be running and screaming in comfy clothes, with my hair in a ponytail. And, even after my little fit, my family would let me back in the door. I'm not so sure they would here at work. :-) :-)

Amy said...

Nej!! that was so me!! Im in my ponytail and sloppy clothes right now-and i just ran out yellin!!
You would love Loan-he is hilarious. :)